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HomeAnnouncementsWebinarWebinar : Towards Everyday Use of Augmented Reality Eye Glasses

Webinar : Towards Everyday Use of Augmented Reality Eye Glasses

Haptics Final Poster

In this talk the peaker focuses on three key areas for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR): 1) high-quality 2D and 3D holographic near-eye display approaches compensating for severe real-world aberrations and supporting high resolution, 2) auto-focus eyeglasses for viewing both real and virtual imagery, and 3) wearable eye tracker based on Purkinje images capable of sensing pupil position, gaze direction, and optical accommodative state.

Bio: Dr.Praneeth currently with Princeton and UNC. He had previously held research positions at Facebook Reality Labs, Microsoft Research Cambridge, NVIDIA Research and he was also a visiting researcher at MIT Media Lab and NUS Singapore.

Youtube Link of the Recorded Presentation: https://youtu.be/n2Q1RRoIERE