XTIC: An IIT-M Madras Community for Experiential Technology

HomePolicy and Standards Committees

Policy and Standards Committees

Metaverse India Policy and Standards (MIPS)

Being the largest democracy in the world, India has a lot more to offer to Metaverse than any other countries. Therefore, a forum specific for Metaverse standards and policy in India is the need of the hour and CAVE IIT Madras is taking the lead in collaborating with a cluster of international standards agencies and many others. This forum will collaborate and coordinate with its members in order to build a pervasive, open, and inclusive metaverse on a global scale.

The Forum will not produce standards or policies on its own, but it will coordinate the needs and the resources to promote their development within organizations that work on standards and policies in pertinent fields.

The metaverse is not yet ready and won’t be ready for some years to come. However many industries in India have shown interest in beginning the process toward building it. Therefore this may be the time to look into standardizing and setting policy.

XR Policy Committee

Similar to IT Policy of India, IITM is striving to create a forum specific for XR policy. It is the need of the hour and CAVE IIT Madras is taking the lead in collaborating with a cluster of international policy and many others. This forum will collaborate and coordinate with its members in order to build a pervasive, open, and inclusive XR on a global scale.