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Webinar Series: Applications of Immersive Technologies in Defense

Title : Applications of Immersive Technologies in Defense
Date/Time : 18-03-2022 4:00PM
Venue : ICSR Hall-3
Speaker: Lt Gen AV Subramanian AVSM, VSM (Retd)

Biography of the Speaker :
A graduate of the Vivekananda College, Chennai, he was commissioned into the Army in December 1974. He graduated from Military College of Electronics and Mechanical Engineering, Secunderabad in 1979. He obtained his Masters from IIT, Kanpur in Computer Science in 1982. He was awarded the Master in Management Studies by Osmania University in 2000. He spearheaded design and development of Training Simulators for the Indian Army for nearly a decade. The Military wheeled and tracked vehicle driving simulators developed by him have been assimilated by the Army in their training system. At the apex level, he was responsible for the entire capital acquisition by Indian Army during 2012-14. He has participated in the effort for development of Private Industry to contribute to Deference production. Since his superannuation in March 2014, the officer has been called upon by Ministry of Defence to be member of the Committee of Experts on acquisition and Strategic Partnership with Indian Industries. He was part of the MoD Task Force to develop criteria for identification of Strategic Partners to broaden the Defence Industrial Base of the nation. Subsequently he worked on structuring a Defense Acquisition Organisation. He also studied the functioning of Ordnance Factories and recommended way forward. He is now involved in the development of Defense Corridors and capability building of indigenous aerospace industry.

Affiliation of the Speaker :
Lt Gen AV Subramanian is involved in the development of Defense Corridors and capability building of indigenous aerospace industry

Abstract :
Indian Armed Forces have been using Simulators for training. Many of them are screen based simulators. These are now progressively getting replaced by devices that improve immersion. However, the design and development of these systems is fragmented due to non-standardisation and lack of indigenous technology. The immediate future requirement is for an Augmented Vision system that will provide a single device for operation, rehearsal and training. For operation the device needs to integrate Situational awareness, Navigation, Planning System, Communication System, and facility to See and Shoot with LO light night vision capabilities. The device also needs to support target acquisition, target engagement with wide Field of View. The source of terrain data must be indigenous. The outline characteristics of such device will be discussed.