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XTIC Launches Tools to Reduce Maternal and Neonatal Deaths

An IIT Madras team at the Centre of Excellence on Virtual Reality (VR) and Haptics, called Experiential Technology Innovation Center (XTIC), identified that skill training of the health workers was a major challenge that India was facing, specifically at the primary health centres in rural settings.

Infant Mortality is the biggest contributor is Neonatal Mortality Rate (NMR) which is death within 28 days of birth. Around 40 babies are lost per every 1,000 births.

“We want to bring this down to single digits and all these initiatives are towards this direction. We assure that these tools will now be provided to the healthcare workers in delivery points and we will also have special training points,” said Dr Darez Ahamed IAS, Mission Director, National Health Mission Tamil Nadu, in a statement.

He requested IIT Madras to also develop tools to train healthcare workers in various other areas such as treating accident victims, among numerous others.

The team also launched a SmartFHR project to reduce Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR). It is aimed at monitoring foetal health using smartphones anywhere and anytime without clinical assistants.

This project also will be scaled subsequently to other states where MMR is very high.

Neonatal Health and Maternal health are crucial to increasing equity and reducing poverty in any country, which leads to solving large broader, economic, social and developmental challenges.

“We need to bring in technology that will be accessible to rural India and this technology is a step in that direction. This was one of the key learnings from Covid-19 Pandemic,” said Prof. V. Kamakoti, Director, IIT Madras, in the statement.

“I am sure Virtual Reality will make an impact not only in healthcare verticals but in other areas as well,” Kamakoti said.

Date: 21st April 2022
Media: The New Indian Express (clip attached)
Headline: IIT-M creates tools to combat maternal deaths  URL: https://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/chennai/2022/apr/21/iit-madras-creates-tools-to-combat-maternal-deaths-2444528.html

Media: DT Next (clip attached)
Headline: IIT-M’s virtual reality tools to combat maternal, newborn deaths in rural areasURL: https://www.dtnext.in/city/2022/04/20/iit-m-nhm-develop-virtual-reality-tools-to-combat-maternal-and-newborn-deaths

Media: Ahmedabad Mirror (clip attached)
Headline: IIT Madras Develops VR Tools To Tackle Maternal & Newborn Deaths In IndiaURL: https://ahmedabadmirror.com/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-tackle-maternal–newborn-deaths-in-india/81829013.html

Media: The Hindu
Headline: IIT Madras team develops training tools for health workers
URL: https://www.thehindu.com/news/national/tamil-nadu/iit-madras-team-develops-training-tools-for-health-workers/article65338485.ece

Media: India Today
Professor: Prof. V. Kamakoti, Prof. Mahesh Panchagnula, Prof. M. Manivannan
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to combat material and newborn deathsURL: https://www.indiatoday.in/education-today/news/story/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-combat-material-and-newborn-deaths-1939744-2022-04-20

Media: Hindustan Times
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to combat maternal, newborn deaths
URL: https://www.hindustantimes.com/education/news/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-combat-maternal-newborn-deaths-101650457645846.html

Media: Mint
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to combat maternal, newborn deaths
URL: https://www.livemint.com/science/health/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-combat-maternal-newborn-deaths-11650454076773.html

Media: Financial Express
Headline: IIT Madras develops virtual reality tools to combat newborn and maternal health
URL: https://www.financialexpress.com/education-2/iit-madras-develops-virtual-reality-tools-to-combat-newborn-and-maternal-health/2497731/

Media: Biospectrum India
Headline: IIT-M designs virtual reality tools to combat maternal, newborn deathsURL: https://biospectrumindia.com/news/79/21088/iit-madras-nhm-develop-virtual-reality-tools-to-combat-maternal-newborn-deaths.html

Media: The Statesman
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in IndiaURL: https://www.thestatesman.com/education/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-tackle-maternal-newborn-deaths-india-1503062504.html

Media: The New Indian Express – Edex
Headline: Researchers at IIT Madras develop VR tools to boost maternal and natal healthURL: https://www.edexlive.com/news/2022/apr/20/researchers-at-iit-madras-develop-vr-tools-to-boost-maternal-and-natal-health-28410.html

Media: ThePrint
Headline: IIT-M, National Health Mission team up to jointly reduce maternal mortality rateURL: https://theprint.in/india/iit-m-national-health-mission-team-up-to-jointly-reduce-maternal-mortality-rate/923596/

Media: ThePrint (Hindi)
Headline: नवजात शिशु मृत्यु दर घटाने के लिए आईआईटी-मद्रास, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन संयुक्त रूप से काम कर रहे (IIT-Madras, National Health Mission working jointly to reduce neonatal mortality)URL: https://cutt.ly/aF6NhVi

Media: CNBC TV18
Headline: IIT-M and National Health Mission join hands to combat maternal mortality in Tamil NaduURL: https://www.cnbctv18.com/healthcare/iit-m-and-national-health-mission-join-hands-to-combat-maternal-mortality-in-tamil-nadu-13214272.htmttps://thepatriot.in/2022/04/20/heres-what-it-costs-to-get-a-professional-degree/

Media: Techi Live
Headline: IIT Madras Develops VR Tools To Combat Maternal, Newborn Deaths
URL: https://techilive.in/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-combat-maternal-newborn-deaths/

Media: The Indian Express Edition: Online
Headline: IIT-M, National Health Mission team up to jointly reduce maternal mortality rate

Media: Careers360  Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras, National Health Mission team up to jointly reduce maternal mortality rate URL:https://news.careers360.com/iit-madras-national-health-mission-team-up-jointly-reduce-maternal-mortality-rate

Media: Deccan Herald Edition: Online
Headline: IIT-M works with NHM to develop VRT to combat maternal deaths

Media: News18 Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras Develops Virtual Reality Tools to Combat Maternal, Newborn Deaths

Media: Odisha TV Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India

Media: Tech Circle Edition:
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to combat maternal, newborn deaths

Media: Skill Outlook Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras Develops Virtual Reality Tools to combat Maternal and Newborn deaths in partnership with National Health Mission

Media: Navbharat Times (Hindi)
Headline: नवजात शिशु मृत्यु दर घटाने के लिए आईआईटी-मद्रास, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन संयुक्त रूप से काम कर रहे (IIT-Madras, National Health Mission working jointly to reduce neonatal mortality)
URL: https://navbharattimes.indiatimes.com/state/other-states/bangalore/chennai/iit-madras-national-health-mission-working-jointly-to-reduce-neonatal-mortality/articleshow/90961588.cms

Media: DevDiscourse
Headline: IIT-M, National Health Mission team up to jointly reduce the maternal mortality rate
URL: https://www.devdiscourse.com/article/education/2009819-iit-m-national-health-mission-team-up-to-jointly-reduce-maternal-mortality-rate

Media: EduAdvice
Headline: IIT Madras Develops Virtual Reality Tools to combat Maternal and Newborn deaths in partnership with National Health Mission
URL: https://eduadvice.in/educational-news-details/iit-madras-develops-virtual-reality-tools-to-combat-maternal-and-newborn-deaths-in-partnership-with-national-health-mission/1725

Media: Social News XYZ
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India
URL: https://www.socialnews.xyz/2022/04/20/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-tackle-maternal-newborn-deaths-in-india/

Media: Pro Kerala
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India
URL: https://www.prokerala.com/news/articles/a1270145.html

Media: CanIndia
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in IndiaURL: https://www.canindia.com/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-tackle-maternal-newborn-deaths-in-india/

Media: Andhram
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in IndiaURL: https://www.andhram.com/health/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-tackle-maternal-newborn-deaths-in-india/

Media: Newyork Indian
Professor: Prof. V. Kamakoti
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in IndiaURL: https://www.newyorkindian.com/desi/newsdetail.asp?id=770218

Media: New Jersey Indian
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in IndiaURL: https://www.newjerseyindian.com/desi/newsdetail.asp?id=770218

Media: Newsroom Odisha
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India
URL: https://newsroomodisha.com/iit-madras-develops-vr-tools-to-tackle-maternal-newborn-deaths-in-india/

Media: IBC24 (Hindi) Edition: Online
Headline: नवजात शिशु मृत्यु दर घटाने के लिए आईआईटी-मद्रास, राष्ट्रीय स्वास्थ्य मिशन संयुक्त रूप से काम कर रहे (IIT-Madras, National Health Mission working jointly to reduce neonatal mortality)

Media: NYK Daily Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India

Media: Forever News Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India

Media: Weekly Voice Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India

Media: The Weekend Leader Edition: Online
Headline: IIT Madras develops VR tools to tackle maternal & newborn deaths in India